Institute of Solid State Physics


 Chemical control of organic transistors

An image of an organic transistor made at the Institute of Solid State Physics, TU Graz appears on the inside cover of the July 7 issue of Advanced Materials. The image background shows an elemental map of a cross-section through an organic thin-film transistor containing a chemically reactive interfacial layer, as determined by energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy. The layout of the device (shown in the foreground) allows the realization of a transistor whose threshold voltage can be shifted by up to 60 volts upon exposure to ammonia switching its mode of operation from depletion to enhancement.

Peter Pacher, Alexandra Lex, Veronika Proschek, Harald Etschmaier, Elena Tchernychova, Meltem Sezen, Ullrich Scherf, Werner Grogger, Gregor Trimmel, Christian Slugovc, and Egbert Zojer, Chemical Control of Local Doping in Organic Thin-Film Transistors: From Depletion to Enhancement, Advanced Materials 20 pp. 3143–3148 (2008).

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